Opinion 28.09.2020
Concentric Investor Day
6th October 2020
It gives us great pleasure to welcome you to Concentric’s Annual Investor Meeting. We will be reviewing the portfolio, investment trends and future investment plans. Our guest speakers are Bim Afolami and Sujay Tyle. We will also be hosting a panel debate and will be joined by Gaby Hersham and Mathias Mikkelsen. Following the updated COVID measures imposed by the UK Government, the event will now be taking place online. If you would like to join, please contact lucy@concentricteam.com
1230 – 1300: Future Trends, The role of VCs, Concentric 02, Q&A
1200 – 1230: Sujay Tyle: The Frontier Car Group Journey
1140 – 1200: Coffee Break
1100 – 1140: Gaby Hersham & Mathias Mikkelsen: Managing through uncertain times, crises a catalyst for success, working with VCs
1030 – 1100: Bim Afolami: Why it has never been a better time to start a company
1000 – 1030: Concentric 01 highlights, key learnings & performance
Our thoughts…
On the European venture outlook and why it has never been a better time to start a company
All Investor Day materials can be accessed Here.